Jingyun Li is a freelance theatre director, producer and dramaturg.

Jingyun Li has been working as a freelance director, producer and dramaturg in Berlin since 2020. She studied media studies and Chinese language and literature at Fudan University, with an exchange programme in sociolinguistics at Duke University and gender studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She came to Germany in 2019 after completing her master's degree in international dramaturgy at the University of Amsterdam.

Studying, living and working in different languages has strongly influenced Li's approach to theatre and performance. Her experiences as a non-native speaker have led her to search for ways and means to transform linguistic alienation and ‘imperfection’ into expressive artistic language. In her practice, she uses languages as artistic material to playfully reinvent forms of writing and speaking and to question the world view, ideology and power of languages. Through the linguistic lens, Li explores a variety of topics such as sexuality, cultural identity and censorship.


Produktion & Curation